More on Veriphysics

Of his Veriphysics Vox day writes:

The fullness of the truth cannot be conclusively and comprehensively established from any human perspective or by any human method.

Every partial truth is perceived on a gradiant that depends upon both the perspective and the method utilized to determine it.

Boethius agrees. In “Consolation of Philosophy” book V,iv:

Everything that is known is comprehended not according to it’s own nature, but according to the ability to know of those who do the knowing. Let us make it clear with a brief example: the same roundness of shape is recognized in one way by the sight and in another way by the touch.

Our forefathers had this figured out long, long ago, but in a tantrum and fit of narcissism the “humanists” of the “Enlightenment” threw it away.

Boethius wrote this in 524AD.

Vox Day, being a smart dude is arriving at the correct answers, which have always existed.